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2024-02-03 09:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

December 26 marks the 10th anniversary of a powerful and deadly earthquake in the eastern Indian Ocean. It was the most powerful quake to hit the area in 40 years. The quake was so forceful it caused the Earth's axis to move a few centimeters.12月26日是印度洋东部一次强烈而又致命地震发生10周年。它是该地区近40年经历的最为强烈的一次地震。这次地震是如此强力,甚至造成地轴移动了几厘米。

Scientists measured the quake as a magnitude nine. It caused an ocean wave, or tsunami, so big it destroyed entire coastal communities.科学家们测得这次地震为里氏九级。它引发了一场海啸,给整个沿海地区造成了巨大破坏。

The deadly tsunami killed about 220,000 people- one-third of them children. The disaster left nearly 5 million people homeless. The disaster affected at least 12 countries. Indonesia was hardest hit by the tsunami, with more than 160,000 dead. Thousands more were killed in Thailand and Sri Lanka. The tsunami waves traveled as far as Africa.这场致命海啸导致了大约22万人遇难,其中三分之一是儿童。它还造成近500万人无家可归。这场灾难至少影响了12个国家。印尼受此次海啸袭击最为严重,造成16多万人遇难。泰国和斯里兰卡也有数千人遇难。这场海啸甚至波及到远至非洲。

Ten years later, VOA Correspondent Steve Herman reports from Banda Aceh, Indonesia.十年后,美国之音记者史蒂夫·赫尔曼(Steve Herman)从印尼的班达亚齐市发回了报道。

All across beaches in Aceh, Indonesia, there are monuments, cemeteries and mass graves. One of these monuments marks the nearest point on land to where the massive undersea earthquake struck.遍布印尼的亚齐海滩,这里有遗迹,有墓地,有乱葬坑。其中一处遗迹标识着这场大规模海底地震袭来的最近着陆点。

A woman named Salmi Hardiyanti lost 23 relatives. Like tens of thousands of other victims, their bodies were never found.一位名为Salmi Hardiyanti的妇女失去了23位亲人。就像上万名其他受害者一样,他们的遗体都没找到。

"I try to visit every mass grave in Banda Aceh to pray for them."她说,“我会去班达亚齐的每个乱葬坑为他们祈祷。”

Samsul Bahri's wife was at their home just 20 meters from the beach when the waves hit. She and others near the beach were among the first to die.当海浪袭来时,Samsul Bahri的妻子就在他们距离海滩仅20米的家中。她和海滩附近的其他人是首批遇难者之一。

An aid group rebuilt his house in the same location.一家援助组织在原地重建了他的房子。

"I can't afford to live anywhere else. So I had to come back here even though I'm afraid."“我负担不起住到其它地方去。所以我不得不回到这里,尽管我很害怕。”

Three kilometers from the coast is a monument that shows the force of the tsunami that destroyed a village. This monument is a huge 2,700-ton ship -- 69 meters long and 19 meters wide. This ship was making electricity offshore. The second tsunami wave moved the boat five kilometers from its position. It came to rest on top of two homes.距离海岸线3公里处有一处遗迹,展示出了摧毁村庄的海啸的力量。该遗迹是一艘2700吨级的,长69米,宽19米的大船。这艘船当时是在近海岸发电。第二波海啸将其从原位置移动了5公里,搁浅到了两所房子之上。

At a high school located in the area, only 60 of the 400 students survived the tsunami. A young man named Surya now goes to school there.在该地区一所高中,400名学生中只有60人从海啸中幸存下来。一位名为Surya的年轻男子现在在那里上学。

He was seven at the time of the disaster and lost 12 family members. International aid workers found him with a broken leg and other injuries.他当时年仅7岁,在这场灾难中失去了12位家人。国际救援人员发现他时他腿部骨折还受了其它伤。

He remembers trying to survive the deadly waves of the tsunami.他想起试图从这场致命海啸中逃生。

"Wherever we go, wherever we sit, wherever we run, death will eventually come. By the grace of Allah, we live and we die."“不管我们去哪,是坐,是跑,死亡终将来临。我们是生是死,全凭真主的恩典。”

Many of the areas hit by the tsunami were underdeveloped. They struggled to recover from the disaster. But the international aid community responded quickly. Aid groups collected over $13 billion to aid in recovery and rebuilding efforts.受到海啸袭击的很多地区都不发达。他们挣扎着从灾难中恢复。但是国际援助机构迅速作出了反应。援助组织募集了130亿美元用于帮助恢复和重建工作。

Scientists say destructive tsunamis have struck Indonesia before and will again. They warn that people living on the coast should always be prepared.科学家们表示,破坏性海啸此前曾经袭击印尼,也会再次袭来。他们警告住在海边的人们应该时刻做好准备。

I'm Anna Matteo.我是安娜·马特奥(Anna Matteo)。(51VOA.COM对本文翻译保留全部权利,未经授权请勿转载,违者必究!)




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